Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Aunt Jodi (Kates sister-in-law) Says it is over.

Kate's sister-in-law, Jodi Kreider, says that Jon and Kate's marriage is over and that it had been in shambles for some time. Kates brother, Kevin also confirmed this. Jodi's sister posted Jodi's feelings on the matter on her blog, which Jodi has a video confirming as true.

Jodi made several appearances on their TV show, Jon and Kate plus 8

Jodi also stated "The show is not reality, and has not been for a long time. This is a train wreck.”

Unfortunately, Jon and Kate are in the show for another two years, as sources say that their contract states. The only way that they will ever restore their marriage is if they put their family first, and the show/books/tours second. It is a classic case of work interfering with home life. This happens all of the time but due to the nature of Jon and Kate Plus 8, America sees first hand what is going on.


The following was paraphrased from a tabloid.

According to Jon’s boss at Style Craft Corporation, David Rothermel, he was forced to fire Jon Gosselin from his IT job because he surfed the internet all day while at work, looking for freebies for his sextuplets. Rothermel recalls that Jon got $5 a day allowance and had to beg his wife if he needed more.

The boss also claims to remember the day when Kate stormed into his business while pregnant with the sextuplets, in a furious rage that Jon’s father hadn’t brought her lunch. Jon and Kate Gosselin told their viewers that the reason Jon had left the employ of Style Craft was that the company didn’t want to insure his sextuplets. The boss says that it is not so.

Kate brought attention to herself when a friend of Jon’s father donated a 14 seat passenger van to the family of 10. She apparently didn't like the burgandy color because she traded it in for one with a color that she approved of. Others tell the story of the day Jon’s father was buried. Kate forbade him from spending time with his brothers after the funeral service.


I wouldn't believe too much of the above information, as tabloids pay for stories like those. They pay more for the dirtier and juicier stories. So far, there hasn't been much proof to back up those claims.

Regarding the van..., what if the burgandy van had mechanical problems? Wouldn't that justify replacing it with a different one?


  1. What kind of brother would tell all of this about his sister? He and Jodi sounded jealous on the shows. If they are so concerned about the children then they should have kept their mouths shut. As far as the $5 daily allowance, she was pregnant with 6 kids, couldn't work, and had twins at home. I am sure they didn't have the money for any more.

  2. I don't approve of Jon's actions at all and i think that they really did have this could see it in there shows, the fighting and bickering at one another. You could tell that Jon was on the edge. I disagree deeply about how They handled there situation i think it could have been handled more maturely and adult. I feel grave sadness for the children and i think that it will be the hardest on Mady and Cara, because they are old enough to understand more, unlike the sextuplets who are only Five. But i do read the tabloids but not believing them unless they have proof in pictures or something like that. I think that Jodi Is not at fault for speaking out...i think that she did the right thing and presented it well.

  3. We have six small children and i am thankful everyday that my husband is not anything like Jon goslin and that jon really needs to quit dating everyone that looks at him and get back to reality.

  4. I hate the tabloids as much as anybody, but it looks like they were right on this one. Although in hindsight I think even casual observers could see this coming.
