Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lack of updates

Sorry about the lack of updates everyone, but there hasn't been anything new happening with Jon and Kate lately.

I hope that this is a good sign and that it means that they are working on their issues.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Aunt Jodi (Kates sister-in-law) Says it is over.

Kate's sister-in-law, Jodi Kreider, says that Jon and Kate's marriage is over and that it had been in shambles for some time. Kates brother, Kevin also confirmed this. Jodi's sister posted Jodi's feelings on the matter on her blog, which Jodi has a video confirming as true.

Jodi made several appearances on their TV show, Jon and Kate plus 8

Jodi also stated "The show is not reality, and has not been for a long time. This is a train wreck.”

Unfortunately, Jon and Kate are in the show for another two years, as sources say that their contract states. The only way that they will ever restore their marriage is if they put their family first, and the show/books/tours second. It is a classic case of work interfering with home life. This happens all of the time but due to the nature of Jon and Kate Plus 8, America sees first hand what is going on.


The following was paraphrased from a tabloid.

According to Jon’s boss at Style Craft Corporation, David Rothermel, he was forced to fire Jon Gosselin from his IT job because he surfed the internet all day while at work, looking for freebies for his sextuplets. Rothermel recalls that Jon got $5 a day allowance and had to beg his wife if he needed more.

The boss also claims to remember the day when Kate stormed into his business while pregnant with the sextuplets, in a furious rage that Jon’s father hadn’t brought her lunch. Jon and Kate Gosselin told their viewers that the reason Jon had left the employ of Style Craft was that the company didn’t want to insure his sextuplets. The boss says that it is not so.

Kate brought attention to herself when a friend of Jon’s father donated a 14 seat passenger van to the family of 10. She apparently didn't like the burgandy color because she traded it in for one with a color that she approved of. Others tell the story of the day Jon’s father was buried. Kate forbade him from spending time with his brothers after the funeral service.


I wouldn't believe too much of the above information, as tabloids pay for stories like those. They pay more for the dirtier and juicier stories. So far, there hasn't been much proof to back up those claims.

Regarding the van..., what if the burgandy van had mechanical problems? Wouldn't that justify replacing it with a different one?

Deanna Hummel's Brother comes out...again

Deanna Hummel, the woman that Jon was allegedly cheating with, has a brother who blew the whole story out of the water. He claimed to have heard Jon and Deanna having sex and that Jon stayed over multiple times.

He recently made the same claims, and regarding Jon's statement that he didn't cheat on Kate, which was on the season five premiere, he stated that Jon was a liar. He also said "F*ck" Jon, Kate, and my sister.

First off, it is disturbing that a man would listen to his sister having sex, multiple times. He must absolutely hate his sister, Deanna, to say those things about her and to accuse her of doing it, when she claims to be innocent of sleeping with Jon.

Regardless of what actually happend between Jon and Deanna, if anything, Kate seems to be determined to set the record straight that it is all Jon's fault...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8 Season Five premier

The season five premier episode of Jon and Kate plus 8 attracked an astonishing 9.8 million viewers, nearly double the amount that watched the season four finale. The increased viewership was due to people looking for more insight and answers about what has recently been going on in the Gosselins life.

The episode primarily focused on the sextuplets 5th birthday party, but also addressed some of the questions that everyone has been asking, such as:

Are Jon and Kate getting a divorce?

Did Jon cheat on Kate?

Did Kate cheat on Jon with a bodyguard?

Are Jon and Kate separated?

The answers, though some ambiguous, were eventually revealed. According to Kate, she knows that parents of multiples have almost triple the divorce rate, but she claims to be in it (the relationship) for the long run.

Jon claims to have not cheated on Kate, but did inadvertantly admit to being in the wrong place at the wrong time (out with Deanna Hummel at night.)

Kate said that she was angry and disgusted that people would even accuse her of having an affair with the bodyguard.

Finally, yes, as one could tell from the episode, Jon and Kate are separated. Kate still lives at home with the kids and Jon is staying elsewhere, however Jon still visits the children reguarly.